
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Broken Arm

The one good thing that came out of breaking my arm is that it came after my Disney vacation. But, it came before the Little League all-star season ended. I broke my arm June 28, 2009 by a kid who was running inside the baseline, the ball was coming on the baseline as well and the player collided into my arm (I was playing first base). When it happened I feel to the ground. I did not cry very much because I was in a lot of shock. I had about 3 doctors and coaches come to my side. The all helped me get up and carried me to a fan so that I could cool off. There was an EMT at the baseball field and he gave me a temporary splint. The rec department guys asked my mom which hospital she wanted to take me to. She said, Saint Mary's. My mom wasn't sure if my dad was going to stay at the game or not so she said to go ahead and bring the ambulance to the park. After a couple of minutes my dad decided that he was not going to stay so my mom was irritated because now she wasn't sure whether to put me in the ambulance or in the car. But she decided to take me on the ambulance and my dad drove to the hospital with my sister.

It was pretty cool being in the ambulance and seeing what some guys do for almost 30 years. Just going places around Athens or Clarke county helping people who are in need of a hospital. When I was in the back of the ambulance the guy put something on my finger to test my oxygen and he also put something on my arm to test my blood pressure. After the ride was about half over he took all the stuff off me. The one thing that made me mad was that the people in the ambulance did not think of this as a real emergency. When we stop at the hospital they took me in to the room that I would spend six hours in. When they took me off the stretcher i had to roll off it and lay in a bed.

The first thing that they did was put the oxygen thing on my finger and the blood pressure thing on my arm. We waited about two hours to get my x-rays done and thirty minutes to see the pictures of the bone. They finally called a guy from the orthopedic doctors to come and look at my arm. The doctor that came was Doctor Sexston. He was a very nice man. When he came they had to put me under but not completly.

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